22 Frank D Tanner Drive
Reading, MA 01867

Welcome to Reading Housing Authority
Our Mission is simple - Provide housing opportunities that create a better everyday life in our community. The Reading Housing Authority (RHA) has made this vision possible since 1963, effectively addressing the needs of low and moderate income residents by providing decent, safe, sanitary and affordable homes to live in. Going beyond "bricks and mortar" we strive to provide our residents with local, state and federal resources available to improve their quality of life.
The RHA has a fiduciary responsibility to conduct business at all times with the high standards of ethics, management and accountability to maintain the trust of the public; and, to work collaboratively with public and private entities to leverage resources to preserve and expand affordable housing opportunities in Reading and throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Kathryn Gallant
Executive Director
Upcoming Holidays
The Reading Housing Authority will be closed on the following dates:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates:
Important Notice Regarding COVID-19 March 16, 2020
Center for Disease Control
What To Know (COVID-19)
Symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
What to do if you're Sick (COVID-19)
Massachusetts Department of Health
Board Meetings:
Unless otherwise announced, Reading Housing Authority Board Meetings are held the first Monday of the Month. Meetings start at 5:30 pm and are held at the Main Offices at 22 Frank D Tanner Drive, Reading, MA.
Click Here to view past Meeting Minutes.
Scheduled Board Meeting Dates
Regular Board Meeting:
July 1, 2024
5:00 Est
Agenda & Zoom Meeting Information: Click Here to Download
Reading Annual Plan Hearing/Board Meeting
April 7th, 2o25 @ 5 PM
22 Frank Tanner Drive
Reading, MA 01867
Kathryn Gallant is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Annual Plan Hearing Date
Time: Apr 7, 2025 05:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 3682 0911
Passcode: 393518
Dial by your location
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York
To View Our Annual Plan
Please Click or Enter the link below:
Reporting Elder Abuse:
The Executive Office of Elder Affairs has centralized the Elder Protective Services abuse reporting system (elder abuse hotline) to a single phone number. The 24/7 single phone number will simplify the process for elder abuse reporting.
To report suspected elder abuse, please call the statewide 24-hour hotline at: 1-800-922-2275
Job Postings:
No job postings at this time.
Modernization Projects, Bids, RFP's:
Advertisement to Bid - Exterior Renovations
Modernization Projects, Bids, RFP's can be viewed at http://www.rcatnortheast.com/Home.aspx.
Lead Safe Housing Rule:
The following training video was produced by the Housing & Urban Development (HUD) on the new Lead Safe Housing Rule. This video was produced to assist in educating stakeholders on the requirements of the new rule and why it is important.
Avoiding Housing Scams:
The following video was created by the Affordable Housing Online and HAI Group to help those identify and avoid Section 8 and Affordable Housing scams.
Get the New Healthy Homes Basics App Today:
The Healthy Homes Basics app offers practical how-to guidance on how to have a safe and healthy home, right at your fingertips. The app offers introductory information and guidance for consumers by teaching the “Principles of a Healthy Home”. For those users more familiar with healthy homes concepts, the app features detailed information by topic.
Download Healthy Homes Basics TODAY!